The Deal Coin - financial support for business development
Despite all advantages, starting your own business is a very ambitious goal. In modern conditions, it is problematic to open your own business. Analysis of financing of small and medium-sized businesses indicates that the key problem is lack of full-fledged banking support. Not all developing companies can obtain state support. To solve current economic problems, developers of The Deal Coin are planning to create unique credit platform. Thanks to it, it will be possible to connect borrowers and lenders in a single ecosystem. Features of service The Deal Coin The Deal Coin — decentralized platform, which will be based on Ethereum blockchain. Thanks to this platform, companies from all over the world will be able to raise funds to solve tasks. The Deal Coin is a promising project, due to which medium and small businesses will gradually be introduced into cryptocurrency market. Accordingly, platform The Deal Coin will not only simplify search for necessary funds, but also have a p...